Sunday 26 July 2009

Waters' Edge Wildlife Day

The familiar emergence of dull, grey clouds over the skies of Barton today didn't stop a great crowd descending upon The Waters' Edge Visitor Centre for a informative and fun-packed Wildlife Day. The Centre was packed with interesting stalls from various charities and organisations and the day was punctuated with all sorts of Wildlife Walks, Pond Dipping and even a Toad Rescue and Release demonstration. Unfortunately i had to leave before the Toad release so if you got any photos of that please send them in.

Jo Walker, Waster Services Officer from North Lincs Council offering advice on recycling and Council-subsidised Composters. She gave me a free Kitchen Caddy so that I could start composting. Fabulous, thank you! It already has a tea-bag in it!

Carl Robinson from the RSPB. He set me a birdsong quiz, which I failed miserably...

I did guess correctly the quack of this duck however, but not the Robin (right)

Lorraine Jackson of the Hull Hedgehog Hospital with two 6-week old abandoned Hedgehogs. The Hospital is a subsidiary of the Hull Animal Welfare Trust and Lorraine says she looks after hundreds of Hedgehogs a year at her own home. Great job!

This Badger thought it best to hold the sign of their organisation, just in case the message didn't quite get across correctly.

North Lincs Fostering team display.

Dave Murray of the British Divers Marine Life Rescue organisation.

.. and what would a Wildlife Day be without Bumble the Cuddly Bumble Bee?

1 comment:

  1. this is such a nice event, everyone enjoys a day of meeting animals and learning all things wildlife
