Sunday 5 July 2009

Barton Town Brass Band Concert

On Saturday evening at St. Mary's Church the local Brass Band performed again for an enthusiastic crowd, and what better way to round off a successful week of Barton Arts Week events?

It's no wonder this band have been promoted to the Ist Section and were Runners-Up in the North of England Brass Band Championships in March. They are truly a talent-ridden treasure of the town and the sound that they make must be heard to be believed. Last night's concert was another in a long list of performances at the Church that offered us a wide variety of tunes from traditional Brass Band music to film music and beyond. Personal favourites were again from the movies with 'I Will Follow him' from Sister Act and 'Thunderbirds'. The performance of 'Triumphant Rhapsody' by Gilbert Vinter, which was the test piece at the 2009 National Finals, was simply an astonishing showcase in musical technical mastery...

Cornet Soloist Richard Shaw performs Caprice "Zelda" by Percy Code.

The Trombone Section

Yet another packed crowd for these popular concerts.


  1. Fantastic photographs, really capturing an audible treat!

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